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I want to personally thank you for considering becoming a monthly partner or making a donation of any amount to The Church of GOD'S Hope. We’re honored you would bless us with your generosity. Donations like yours make a big difference in the work our church is doing in the community. Without givers like you, our church can’t have an impact or influence in our community. With your support, we are able to make an impact in our local community through our pantry and other local missions that help real people in need. Together, we can make a difference.


You can give by clicking the button below. You can become a monthly partner, or you can give a one-time donation. Donating to the church monthly allows us to preach the gospel, make disciples, stock our food pantry and support others in our community who need help. Thank you for supporting the ministry to help further the kingdom of God and may God bless you for sowing a seed!


God intended every single Christian to be  a church volunteer: "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27).

Why do people need to volunteer? Because “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). Behind every volunteer is a felt need in the church. Behind every infrastructure ministry is a real-life problem God has ordained the church to address with the gospel.​ Church volunteering isn’t about checking some administrative box. It’s about bringing the love of Christ to a hurting and broken world. “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” What is Paul’s conclusion? “Now eagerly desire the greater gifts” (1 Corinthians 12:31).


God has given you special talents and gifts that you can use to support your local congregation, help your community, and serve God’s children everywhere. You follow the example of Jesus Christ as you seek to meet individual needs one person at a time. Some of the most important service you will give will be informal, simple acts of kindness and love toward individuals without being asked or assigned to do so. You can help others feel God’s love and reach their potential as you share your time, talents, and means to help meet their needs. Part of your personal growth and learning will come as you serve in the Church and help others learn and grow as well. As you get to know others in your local congregation, you will realize that you have much to offer them.


You can also become a monthly partner, or you can give a one-time donation by sending a check or money order. Please make all check or money order donations to The Church of God's Hope. Our physical address at The Church of God's Hope is 915 Barron Avenue Gadsden, AL 35904. Please send all mail-in donations to our physical address. Thank you for supporting the ministry to help further the kingdom of God and may God bless you for sowing a seed!


The mission of The Church of God's Hope is to edify and equip the saints to go out into the world and reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


(256) 438 - 4337


915 Barron Avenue
Gadsden, AL. 35904


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